Advance Health care directive (DAV)–Support forms
Location: Portugal
Organization: Ministry of Health – Health Regulatory Authority
Availablelanguage(s): Portuguese
Development date: 2012
Tool type: Digital | Paper format
Overview: The Advance Healthcare directive (DAV) in the field of healthcare, namely in the form of a living will (TV), is the documentwhere a person of legal age and capable, can, in a free andenlightened way, register in advance the health care that hewants, or does not want, receive if, for some reason, you areunable to express your will personally and autonomously, that is,in a situation of near death or physical or mental disability. [Cf.Law no. 25/2012, of 16 July]
Reasons for selecting the practice and impact
The AVD represent the autonomy of the patient, thusguaranteeing the power to make decisions about their health andtheir life. The form supports the interested party in including all thenecessary information, guiding him/her in the choices that can bemade.
More than 13,000 Portuguese registered their living will in 2022, doubling the number of registrations compared to the previousyear.
By January 9, 2023, the total number of active DAV’s/Living Wills exceeded 34,500, of which more than 12,000 were granted bymen and more than 22,500 by women. In either gender, the agegroups with the highest number of active registrations are between 65 and 80 years and between 50 and 65 years.
Contacts and additional information
In Portugal, it can be translated and/or completed in a foreignlanguage, provided that it is accompanied by a certified translation.
[Cf. Ordinance no. 96/2014, of 5 May]
Contacts for more information