Meet the Consortium
Anziani e non solo
Anziani e non solo is a NGO working in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on
management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social
inclusion. Some of their main activities concern active ageing, intergenerational activities and support
to frail and dependent elderly.
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa (Portugal)
SCML) is a Portugese private institution of public administrative
utility that has guided its performance, in the community, by the defense of priceless social values, in
a perspective of proximity, respect and advocacy for good causes. SCML employs more than 6.000
people and manages a superior school of Health and several hospitals.
UNESSA (Belgium)
UNESSA is a Belgian Federation representing more than 1100 institutions of support, assistance and
care of people. UNESSA is active in various sectors: Youth support, Senior Citizens, Childhood and
Health, General hospitals, Socio-occupational Integration and
Social Economy, People with disabilities, Prevention and Frontline Care, Mental health.