Dignity Therapy at End-of-Life
Location: Canada
Organisation(s): Dignity in Care
Website: https://www.dignityincare.ca/en/dignity-therapy-at-end-of-life.html
Available language(s): English
Date of development: NA
Type of tool: Digital
Topic(s) covered: If and how to discuss this topic with your beloved ones
Dignity Therapy was developed by Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov to assist people dealing with the imminent end of their lives.
This brief intervention can help conserve the dying patient’s sense ofdignity by addressing sources of psychosocial and existential distress. Itgives patients a chance to record the meaningful aspects of their lives andleave something behind that can benefit their loved ones in the future.
Dignity Therapy (DT) is a brief, individualized, narrative psychotherapy developed to reduce psychosocial and existential distress, and promotedignity, meaning, and hope in end-of-life patients. During a 30-to-60-minute session, the therapist asks a series of open-ended questions that encourage patients to talk about their lives or what matters most to them. The conversation is recorded, transcribed, edited and thenreturned within a few days to the patient, who is given the opportunity to read the transcript and make changes before a final version is produced. Many choose to share the document with family and friends.
Reasons for selecting the practice and impact
This is a psychotherapeutic intervention and, as such, can only beimplemented by qualified professionals. On the other hand, the approach it is based on can be helpful for the HMH project purposes since it integrates a reflection on how a person wishes to be cared and accompanied in end-of-life with an opportunity for him/her to think abouthis/her legacy and ultimately to sustain a sense of meaning, purpose andself-worth.
The first clinical trial using Dignity Therapy has affirmed the value of this method for patients and families. For example, 91% of patients said they were satisfied or highly satisfied; 86% found it helpful or very helpful. More data available here: https://www.dignityincare.ca/en/dignity-therapy-at-end-of-life.html
Contacts and additional information
This is a psychotherapeutic intervention and, as such, can only beimplemented by qualified professionals. Nowadays it is applied internationally and therefore practitioners might be found in many differentcountries.