Dying Matters | Hospice UK Location

Location: United Kingdom
Organisation(s) Hospice UK
Website Homepage | Hospice UK Availablelanguage(s) English
Date ofdevelopment: NA
Type of tool: Digital  | Paper format
Awareness rising / information  
Guidelines (“how to”)

Topic(s) covered:
what is anticipation of end-of-life care  
why it is important to think in advance about your end-of-lifecare
what kind of information you should collect to be able to makean informed choice
what kind of choices you can make in advance
if and how to discuss this topic with your beloved ones


Dying Matters is Hospice UK’s flagship national campaign. Working in partnership with grassroots communities around the UK, it aims to get people talking and sharing stories openly about dying and grief, toreduce the associated stress, stigma, and social isolation.  
Hospice UK is the national charity for hospice and end of life care.They work to ensure everyone affected by death, dying and bereavement gets the care and support they need.

Reasons for selecting the practice and impact

Reasons forselecting thepractice
Dying Matters has three simple purposes; to share stories of thoseimpacted by death, dying and bereavement, provide useful resourcesand have regular Dying Matters campaigns which acts as awareness raising and educational.

ImpactImpact assessment for 2022 is here:  

Hospice UK Impact Report 2022.pdf (hukstage-new-bucket.s3.eu-west- 2.amazonaws.com)

Contacts and additional information

Dying Matters provides resources and grants that are aimed at community- led arts and culture projects, with a focus on equality and inclusion, and which approach the subject of dying in an innovative or creative way. They look for activities which take placein communities, outside of formal healthcare settings, which help make it easier for people to talk about death and dying. This approach can be transferred in various settings and takes intoconsideration of different gender/age.

Additional info
Dying Matters produces 5 resources that is updated regularly andcovers some very important areas:  
1. Things to do before you die [single page version] [professional print version]
2.  Supporting bereavement [single page version] [professionalprint version]
3. Let’s talk about dying [single page version] [professional printversion]
4. Talking about dying with people affected by dementia [single pageversion] [professional print version]
5. Talking about dying with children [single page version] [professional print version]

Examples of some projects funded:
1,000 Conversations about Death: a video game revolution |Hospice UK
(55) East African Education Foundation hosts comedy end of life and grief event – YouTube
‘Uncovering’: the project pushing for change | Hospice UK

Contacts forfurther information
National   guidelines  for    end   of    life    care   |    For   professionals (mariecurie.org.uk)