Lifetime legacies: Life Review questions
Location: USA
Organisation(s): Continua Hospice Learning
Available language(s): English
Date of development: NA
Type of tool: Questionnaire
Purpose: Life review is essential to allow person/patient to reflect ontheir lives, process their experiences, and impart wisdom to their loved ones.
Topic(s)covered: Life story – Talking about death with loved ones
Continua developed a life review questions list to help caregivers and nurses to have meaningful conversation with hospice patients. The 51 questions are divided in various thematic: Childhood- Adolescence- Adulthood- Olderadulthood- General Questions. Utilizing these questions can enhance the quality ofcare provided and create a positive and supportive environment for both patients and their families. The list of questions could alsohelp any person wishing to write his/her life story at any stage oflife to anticipate what we leave behind and bear witness to our lifeexperiences.
Reasons for selecting the practice and impact
It is a list of questions. This tool is simple, not too long, easy to access and use. This tool can be used by anyone who hasquestions about their life and wants to leave a testimony, a lifestory. It can also help people who are terminally ill and their formalor informal carers to have meaningful conversation. This list ofquestions can also help to open a dialogue with one’s family.
The tool can be a support to help people to reflect about their experiences of life and what they would like to impart to their loved ones. To write a life story it can be difficult to know where and how to start. The life storymakes it possible to reweave one’s life, give meaning, leave atrace, bear witness…
This tool can also be used by those accompanying a person at the end of life to facilitate meaningful patient conversations.
Contacts and additional information
The practice was first created for nurses & caregivers to accompany hospice patients. However, the list of questions can be use by any persons who would like to write or talk about his/her life story.It can transferable and it is not restricted to a cultural or national context.