My life booklet
Location: Belgium
Organisation(s): Énéo
Available language(s): French
Date of development: Last update June 2022
Type of tool: Digital | Paper format
‣ Awareness rising / information
‣ Form / template
‣ Self-reflection tools
‣ what is anticipation of end-of-life care
‣ why it is important to think in advance about your end-of-lifecare
‣ what is the legislation in place
‣ what are the procedures to formalize your end-of-life wills
‣ what kind of information you should collect to be able to makean informed choice
‣ what kind of choices you can make in advance
‣ whom you can / should choose to be your proxy / reference person
My life booklet is a very complete 80-page document. It contains a section on administrative and legal data and amore intimate section on the person’s life. The document includes practical information as well as spaces to be filled in onthe different topics covered: Personal data, emergency contacts, finances and assets, health, my end of life; after death.
The second part is an invitation to introspection, which will facilitate the dialogue with your relatives and will also allow you to share a little of your story.
Reasons for selecting the practice and impact
It is a very complete tool that allows a global reflection on manyaspects related to the end of life. The emphasis is on anticipation and overlaps with most of the themes addressed in the Hold My Hand project. This tool facilitates both the transmission of information with the family and/or carers. It also facilitates the discussion with the relatives. Moreover, there is a lot of usefulinformation available.
It is a useful tool for the person and especially for the relatives. It allows for a centralisation of useful information in order to be able to respect the end-of-life choices of the person concerned but alsoto facilitate the practical aspects linked to the end of life or after death.
Contacts and additional information
It is a tool that can be very interesting for other countries and mostof the forms to be filled in can be transferred to other contexts. However, for the first part on administrative and legal data, theinformation available is related to Belgium and may therefore bedifferent in other countries. The interest of this tool is thecentralisation of a large number of aspects related to the end of life ina single document.
The second part related to the life story is quite transferable to other contexts.
Contacts for further information