The first outcomes of the Hold my Hand project now available!
From the project website it is now possible to download a set of instruments targeting professionals, informal carers and the general public, to better understand how to anticipate end-of-life decisions in different domains, including for example end-of-life care, estate planning, funerals and farewell dispositions, but also to learn more about how to start talking about these issues with loved ones or how to confront spiritual and philosophical issues related to the end of life.
In detail, the resources available include:
·A mapping of legal policy framework in place in the different partner countries in relation to end-of-life related issues and has started researching information to provide an updated picture in lay-man terms.
·A good practices guide including good or promising practices from all around the world in relation to practical tools (booklets, forms, templates, games…) related with anticipating end-of-life decisions.
·A synthesis guide which summarises the two previous research reports in an easily accessible document targeting the general public and providing practical tips and suggestions to navigate end-of-life care related issues.
All these materials are available in English, French, Portuguese, Italian and Swedish and is freely downloadable from the project website.
Launch events organized in all partner countries
In order to launch the project to its stakeholders’ community and to validate the first outcomes, each partner organized a public event during summer 2023. Overall, public events gathered 247 participants in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Sweden, including professionals from the health and social care sectors, policy makers and informal carers.
Participants provided very positive feedback in relation to the events themselves but also to the project outcomes which were presented to the audience before their final release. Useful comments and suggestions for fine-tuning were also collected
Hold my Hand first international conference
The first Hold My Hand international conference is going to take place in Lisbon on November the 21st 2023. The event, hosted by the Portuguese partner Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, will be an opportunity to gather experts from different European countries and to initiate a dialogue about end-of-life preparation in terms of experiences, good practices and policies.
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