In April 2022 the Hold My Hand project completed its first semester of activities, and some initial results are about to be achieved. Let’s go through them:
- Mapping of legal policy framework: under the leadership of the Portuguese partner SCML, the consortium has agreed on a set of guidelines to map the legal and policy framework in place in the different partner countries in relation to end-of-life related issues and has started researching information to provide an updated picture in lay-man terms.
- Good practices guide: this scoping exercise, coordinated by ANS, aimed to identify good or promising practices from all around the world in relation to practical tools (booklets, forms, templates, games…) having the following main purposes: providing information about the legislation in place in the country of concern in relation to advanced care planning, supporting individuals in self-reflecting about their end-of-life care wishes and in making informed choice about their end-of-life care preferences and supporting family members in getting prepared for the death of a beloved one.
- A synthesis guide which will summarise the two previous research reports in an easily accessible document targeting the general public and providing practical tips and suggestions to navigate end-of-life care related issues. A draft of this document will be presented during a series of local events planned during the month of May / June 2023 and aimed to launch the project in Belgium, Italy, Sweden and Portugal.
All the above tools have been discussed and fine-tuned during the 2nd partnership meeting which took place in Modena (Italy) on April the 12th and the 13th 2023, hosted by Anziani e non solo.
The meeting was also a good opportunity to get to a shared vision in relation to the 2nd main result expected, I.e., an online platform including pedagogical modules to better support people at the end of life. Elderberry, leading on this result, proposed a concept of the training programme which was then discussed among partners, identifying training contents and methodology to be applied.
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rs, identifying training contents and methodology to be applied.
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