Hold My Hand: newsletter no 6 is out

Hold My Hand e-platform, already available!

Testing Phase of the Virtual tools – See the first results of the Local Events of some of the partner countries of this project. The moment that was so long awaited has arrived. The Socio-Pedagogical Modules that were developed during the Hold My Hand (HMH) project are finally online, with the valuable contribution of the various stakeholders who were invited to participate in the construction and implementation of these virtual tools.

The first Local Event for evaluation and testing of the platform was held on 15th June in Italy and had the collaboration of the Zero K – https://associazionezerok.it/ Association, an NGO that works in the area of palliative care. The event was included as one of the seminars organized by this association, for professionals and volunteers, who work in the palliative care sector and/or interested in learning more about end-of-life care.

HMH’s representative partners in Italy introduced for the first time the issue of the importance of anticipating end-of-life decisions and the role that professionals can play in addressing these thematics.

Also in Belgium, on 30th May, and in Portugal on 24th June, Local Events were held, with the aim of testing the HMH platform, and obtaining the respective evaluation of the feedback from the participants,taking into account its adaptation  to different cultural contexts. The 5 Modules of  the virtualplatform were presented, aimed at  both caregivers (formal and informal) and the public in general.These Modules cover the various phases of a serious and/or terminal illness process; legal, practical and bureaucratic issues involving the planning and anticipation of end-of-life care; mourning, rituals andfuneral and/or tribute ceremonies; good practices and some exercises/guidelines, both regarding healthcare and the self-care of professionals who deal daily with the challenging reality of death and disease. Inthese events it was also possible to test the platform, in the various models of mobile devices,namely mobile phones, laptops and tablets. The outcome of the events has been very positive, with participants successfully evaluating the structure, theme, content and practical functionality of the testedmodules.

Download the 6th newsletter in:
